Saturday, February 4, 2012

Five Very Unique and Spectacular Clouds

Five of the most unique and spectacular clouds known to man.

At some point in life we have all looked up at the clouds and have seen weird shapes and colors. At times we have even seen the clouds resemble familiar things to us but I guarantee a lot people haven’t seen the cloud formations I have wrote about. Not even me.

Stratocumulus Clouds


Now I’m not claiming to be a cloud expert or anything close to one but I know what I like and these are one of my favorite cloud formations. This certain type of cloud is called “Stratocumulus Cloud” which usually forms in the lower levels of the atmosphere at about 8,000 feet. Although in the first two pictures they seem nothing spectacular but as you see in the third picture at some rare times the clouds can form in thick lines like waves and get trapped in air currents.

To me these formations are one of the more relaxing ones to sit and watch if you ever have the chance and if you get the right type they make spectacular pictures.

Roll Clouds


Now when it comes to clouds these ones take the cake in freaking me out. They are so ominous looking that they look like they are about to roll in and destroy everything in their path.

Basically these “Roll Clouds” usually forms when warm moist air and water condenses forming the cloud and eventually rolling it with the winds. Usually they are a sign that a storm or something is on its way but that’s not always the case.

Also over the years many people have mistaken these cloud formations to be the start of tornados or hurricanes which is not the truth and really not even associated with them. Harmless or not they are still freaky looking to me!

Lenticular Clouds


These clouds are some of the most amazing clouds I have ever seen and UFO hunters hate them and you can see why.

These cloud formations are known as “Lenticular Clouds” which usually forms at high altitude when strong warm winds blow over ruff terrain causing these clouds to form at right angle on the right side of the terrain. Although that’s not the full details how they form it is the basic idea.

These certain clouds normally form at or around mountains and hills but not always. As mentioned above these clouds are commonly mistaken by people as UFO’s which one could easily see. It’s another amazing thing that only nature can create on such a large scale and remains to be one of my favorite formations.

Mammatus Clouds


These cloud formations are known as “Mammatus Clouds” which are some of the scariest looking clouds I have ever seen.

These clouds are also commonly mistaking by people as a sign of a tornado or hurricane coming but in all the truth experts claim these types of clouds usually form after the thunderstorms have passed.

I have also read on other sites that these certain types of clouds can actually be a warning of a pending thunderstorm so I don’t know which is true. Either way they look spectacular but I still can’t help imagining a tornado falling out of the middle of these destroying everything.

Nacreous Clouds


Now finally we have my favorite clouds known as “Nacreous Clouds” which usually form in really cold temperatures high in the atmosphere.

These clouds usually form in winter months and are truly an unforgettable site. They are also known to many people as Mother of Pearl clouds because of the colors usually resemble that of the inside of pearl shell. The clouds require temperatures below -80 Celsius to even start forming which is why here in Canada you’re more likely to see them on a regular basis.

So that’s it my list of five amazing and spectacular cloud formations. There are many more types of cloud formations it’s just that this 5 are my favorite and most appealing to the eye.

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