Indonesian heartrob, Nicholas Saputra. The Ice man is his nickname. He is the coolest guy anyone had ever met, both on and off the screen. He became "IT Boy" in Indonesia when he got a role as Rangga in box office movie, Ada apa dengan Cinta? with young beautiful actress Dian Sastrowardoyo as Cinta in 2002. He won the Citra Award ( Indonesian Oscar) as the lead actor in the movie, Gie, for best actor in 2005. Nico is so much more than a just a handsome man, he’s the man is an avid readers, loves books and hates anykinds of publication. beside an actor, he’s going to be an architect in the near future.
2. Fathir Muchtar
Fathir Muchtar is well kown as a movie star. He’s started his career as a model than penetrated into the world of entertainment. Besides acting on the big screen, he also played in several soap operas such as Do Not seperate me, Love, it’s crazy. He has launched his latest movie, The last Wolves. He loves outdoor activities such as surfing and hiking. He has married with Fera Ferriska, an actress.
3. Christian Sugiono
Chritian Sugiono,In the world of entertainment, Tian, nicknamed thus is known as a movie actor and, a star of some commercials. His popular role in the movie, Notes at the end of the school, Love Silvers, and Singles. He’s also well known as one of a king soap opera in Indonesia. His mother is German, and his father is Indonesian. After finished his study in Hamburg, he wasn’t looking for a job, he enjoyed starting his career in the entertainment’s world. He finally got married his beautiful lover Titi Kamal is well known as a famous actress
4. Richard Kevin
Richard began his career from modelling in catwalk, magazines, video clips and TV commercials. Kevin career skyrocket eversince he got a role in the movie, Got Married, First Love, Lost in Love. He also has shown in many titles of soap operas.He wants to be a producer and director someday.
5. Ello
Ello is a young talented musician from Indonesia, Some people Indonesia called him Jason Mraz from Indonesia. He can play a guitar and sing as well. He has written all his song in his latest album.His gorgeous original Indonesian look was getting from his parents, Diana Nasution and Minggus Tahitoe who are well known as a famous singer and a famous song’s writer in Indonesia. He has released two Albums.His hit single, Will go,has booked sales more than 150 thousands copies, which got platinum. He also won an award at Indonesian Music Award as a best album and a best new singer. In his persoal life, Ello is reported is close to the beautiful actress, Julie Estelle.
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